We spend a lot of time here at BEG seeking best in class cycling accessories and it has to be said that finding a child seat that is a perfect fit, top quality manufacture and ticks-all-the-important-boxes in terms of looks and practicality has been very high up on our to-do lists in recent months.
Nothing is more wonderful than sharing the pleasure and practicality of cycling with your child, and the experience is certainly enhanced by having a good child seat. I personally have gone through the pain of finding a good bike seat for our children, so can speak from great experience. With one child nicely ensconced in school and one still very small girl by my side day and night, cycling as a pair became a priority for a precious short period of time. At one point, I even toyed with the idea of putting her in the front basket with a little cushion with a stuffed toy. Back in the pre-BEG days when our daughter was a babe in arms, swayed by its looks, I bought an inexpensive, but very beautiful bike, a Taiwanese-made beach cruiser with wide chrome handlebars that was actually very impractical on narrow city streets and whose beauty was quickly undermined not only by its poor quality build but also by a very ugly grey and blue plastic child seat, that ressembled an injection moulded squid. Despite this, I had company on my rides and my daughter and I were happy as Larry as we made our daily rounds. I’d call over my shoulder to her “Are you alright back there? Pat my back so I know you’re OK!?” which she would dutifully do because at her tender age, words still eluded her, but she would be furiously pointing at all the interesting things we would see on our journey and her little cheeks would be glowing when we reached our destination as I lifted her carefully out.
When you’ve spent so much time and care choosing the bicycle that is to become a hugely important part of your life, an appendage like a child seat is an important consideration. First and foremost, it has to play a multifunctional role in not only protecting your progeny from the perils of the world, but it must simply WORK well on a practical-level. It has to be easy for you to get your child in and out of without you letting it all go – the bike, your dignity and your poor offspring who is precariously teetering between nice comfy seat and very hard and uncomfortable pavement (Luckily, we have thought of all that and BEG Bicycles make this easy as we use bi-pod stands which make the bike very stable). It must conform to all possible safety criteria and tick an impressive checklist of safety standards. It has to have an easy to open and close fitted safety harness, secure feet rests and in addition to all the above, it simply has to look good! It’s a bit like putting a grey plastic roof box on an Aston Martin. You just wouldn’t, would you?!
Anyway – we think we’ve found it.
Introducing the Yepp Maxi childseat collection; front and rear child seats that we think fit the bill – and our bicycles very nicely indeed.
Here’s a list of impressive things that we like about Yepp child seats;
+ Fits BEG Bicycles beautifully. Tick
+ Easily mounted on the bikes seat post using the Yepp Maxi seat post adapter, which fits 95% of bike models
+ Light and easy-to-use
+ Designed to carry children from 2.5 to 6 years of age (up to 48 lbs or approx 22kg).
+ Quick and simple to snap into place and detach.
+ An additional integrated lock guarantees extra safety and guards against theft
+ 5-point harness with easy-to-use buckle and adjustable footrests with straps provide optimal protection
+ Equipped with 3 rear reflectors to ensure visibility
+ Soft shoulder pads are included for added comfort
+ Made of flexible but sturdy rubber material, which ensures both safety and comfort for your precious cargo.
+ The material is shock absorbing, antibacterial and easy to clean, and features a high insulation factor and water resistance.
+ Award-winning product: Baby Innovation Award Winner 2011, Reddot Design Award Winner 2009, Good Industrial Design Winner 2009 and 2010, Dutch Design Award 2009, Fiets Innovatie Award 2009
+ Complies with the most stringent European safety requirements and is certified by the Dutch TNO Institute for applied science research
To see our range of Yepp childseats, click here.